Removed existing failed spill containment and vapor recovery manholes and risers. New UST components were installed and the site restored with minimal interruptions to the end user.
Dispenser sump upgrade with new fuel dispensers and fleet management system. A new booth will keep the drivers warm and away from the elements while entering the driver information into the system.
Aboveground storage tank (AST) installation with new diesel and gas dispenser mounted at each end of the tank. A galvanized catwalk platform was installed to provide access to the top of the tank for preventative maintenance.
Aboveground storage tank (AST) installation with double-wall steel piping above grade, and OPW Flexworks double-wall piping below grade. A ladder at the end of the tank provides filling assistance.
Aboveground storage tank (AST) installation with pump and dispenser mounted directly on tank. Collision protection requirements were met by surrounding tank with safety bollards.
Aboveground storage tank (AST) installation with doublewall OmegaFlex DoubleTrac fuel pipe to an emergency generator. Overfill prevention requirements were satisfied with a Veeder Root overfill alarm, as well as an overfill prevention valve.