Federal Regulatory Agency for USTs: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Underground Storage Tanks
Regulated size: 110 gallons and larger
Website: Visit web site
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations: Visit web site
In 1984, Congress directed the U.S. EPA to develop regulations for underground storage tank (UST) systems. EPA issued federal regulations, effective December 1988, that delegate UST regulatory authority to approved state programs (SPA). States are the primary implementers of the UST program and may have requirements more stringent than the federal regulations. As of September 2014, 38 states (plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) have approved UST programs.
In 2015, the EPA published revised underground storage tank regulations. The revisions strengthen the 1988 federal underground storage tank (UST) regulations by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment. The revisions will help prevent and detect UST releases, which are a leading source of groundwater contamination. The revisions will also help ensure all USTs in the United States, including those in Indian country, meet the same minimum standards. This is the first major revision to the federal UST regulations since 1988.
The revised UST regulations is a 400+ page document. The EPA has issued a booklet that summarizes the revised regulations called Musts for USTs. Here is the link to view Musts for USTs: http://www.epa.gov/ust/musts-usts
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