Aboveground storage tanks (AST) and associated components will experience similar failures as the UST components.

Fuel System Inspection and Commercial Industrial Fuel Pump Service for UST and AST Fuel Systems in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.

Weather and ultraviolet rays will cause coating failure on the AST and fuel piping. Corrosion will damage components disabling overfill alarms, anti-siphon valves, emergency vents, and dispensers. Damaged or nonworking components will leave the system nonoperational and its owner/operator exposed to potential compliance violations. In extreme situations where the system has experienced severe corrosion, thinning of the storage tank’s steel structure can cause leaks or overall tank rupture. Deteriorating and failing fuel system components will leave you exposed to possible petroleum releases into the environment and compliance violations with state or federal regulatory agencies.

In most circumstances, surface corrosion can be removed and the system restored providing a huge cost savings over system replacement. Trained Matzak Technicians can safely prepare the surface of your existing AST and components, and then apply a new epoxy coating, bringing the system back to its original like new condition.

Increase the life of exposed AST and components by restoring them to original condition. To request a professional opinion on your existing fuel system and learn all your options, please Contact Us.